My Girlfriend Wants an Abortion

“I’m pregnant.” Those two little words that turn your world upside down. “And I think I’m going to get an abortion.” Your heart stops for a minute. Okay, that makes sense. Wait, is that what I want? It’s her choice, isn’t it? And I’m supposed to support her… But what if you want to keep

Together We Can

This is the month of marches, of speaking our minds, and being loud. This is the month of publicly announcing what we believe in and why. Here at Choices, we believe in peaceful protests, marches, and walks. We’re proud of what women have accomplished through raising our voices. Without marches and speeches, Alice Paul might

Strong Women, Strong Mothers

There’s a reason motherhood memes packed full of snarky humor get shared like the plague on social media. What can I say to sum up this whirlwind of hormones and feelings and real life? It’s hard. That’s it. There’s nothing profound about the fact that motherhood (parenthood) demands everything you have and then some. Some days

Freedom After Abortion

Share your story. Live in freedom. Jordan* was finishing her junior year at her dream school when she found out she was pregnant. She felt she wouldn’t be able to continue her pregnancy and get her degree. She immediately felt relief after her abortion but a year later other feelings began to surface, and she

Considering Adoption

If you are considering making an adoption plan, learn about all your options to figure out what is best for you. Placing a child for adoption is a huge sacrifice and takes courage and so much love.  Sorting through the options of adoption, abortion, or parenting can be overwhelming, but you are not alone. If

Pregnancy and Abuse

Morning Sickness

Abusive relationships almost never begin as violent but emotional or mental abuse is still abuse. We want to help you recognize the signs so you or your friends can get out or get the help you need. Early signs of a potentially abusive relationship include… Isolating – wants to always be alone with you, keeps

Am I Pregnant – Online Test

Am I pregnant? It’s clearly a commonly Googled question so we thought we help you figure out if you need to take the next step and get tested. Is your period more than 2 days late? Have you felt any changes in your breasts? Soreness, heavier, nipple changes? Do any smells bother you? How tired

Can She Have It All?

Can she have it all? Can a woman be a great mom and accomplish her dreams? We’ve heard some of these answers and we’re sure you have too. “No. You can’t possibly reach all your career goals and be a mom with young kids at the same time. You must choose one or the other.”“Yes.

No Shame, Just Love

An unplanned pregnancy can bring feelings of guilt and shame and can still be such a taboo subject. But one thing you will never find at Choices is judgment. We know better than most that it can happen to anyone. The woman in a healthy, stable relationshipThe mom of 3 who thought she was doneThe women’s

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