Are You Pregnant?

No birth control is 100% effective, so if you are sexually active, there’s always a chance you could be pregnant. A missed period is usually the first sign of pregnancy, but there are other symptoms as well. Do any of these feel familiar?

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several classic signs of pregnancy.

  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue
  • Light spotting
  • Food aversions or cravings

Because each woman is unique, so is her pregnancy. Some women experience every symptom immediately, while others may not experience any for quite a while. Your first step is to take a medical-quality pregnancy test.

No-Cost Pregnancy Testing

Choices offers reliable pregnancy testing. If you think you could be pregnant, call 423-892-0803 to request an appointment for screening today and we will confidentially provide conclusive results at no cost to you. No proof of insurance or proof of employment is required. We understand the weight of this question for you and our knowledgeable medical staff is here to provide answers and information so that you feel confident and empowered.

If you’ve already taken a home pregnancy test, confirm the results with one of ours. Studies show up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test result and no longer be pregnant.

Confirm Your Pregnancy

A positive pregnancy test only indicates the possibility of pregnancy. You need to confirm if it’s a viable (growing) pregnancy with an ultrasound. Last year, only 81% of Choices patients who received a free pregnancy confirmation test were positive.

If you have a positive pregnancy test, we can schedule you for a no-cost ultrasound.

What’s the Difference Between Urine and Blood Testing?

Urine hCG Test

  • Needs slightly more hCG for a positive reading
  • Qualitative test
  • Tells you if you are pregnant or not, not how much hCG is in your blood
  • Accurate a few days to a week after a missed period

Blood hCG Test

  • Slightly more sensitive than urine tests
  • Can be qualitative or quantitative
  • Can track hCG levels over time
  • Can be accurate before a missed period

Source: Verywell Family

We Care For The Whole Woman

A medical professional will review your health history at your pregnancy test appointment, answer your medical questions, and complete a limited STI screening. This is your time to share your thoughts and concerns.

Once a member of our medical professional team has confirmed your pregnancy, it’s time to discuss your options. We provide no-cost options consultations so you can learn about abortion procedures, making an adoption plan, or parenting.

Remember, you matter to us, and we want to empower you to make the best decision possible for your situation and your future. Get the care you need today.

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