Have You Considered Making An Adoption Plan?

Making an adoption plan, like all of your options for your unexpected pregnancy, is life-altering. We want you to have as much information as possible to make a confident choice.

It takes a great deal of courage to place your child for adoption. But if, for whatever reason, you are not capable of caring for them, choosing adoption is a selfless, loving choice that puts their needs first.

What Is Adoption?

Adoption is the legal process of transferring parental rights and responsibilities from a birth couple to an adoptive couple. It isn’t co-parenting. The child becomes permanently and legally part of the adoptive family.

Different Adoption Plans

There are three types of adoption plans you can choose. The amount of contact you want with your child and their adoptive family determines the kind of plan.

Open Adoption

The majority of adoptions today are open. An open plan allows you to choose the potential adoptive couple. After you’ve selected a couple, you can exchange identifying information and begin building a relationship even before your child is born.

Closed Adoption

Neither the birth mother nor the adoptive couple learns any information about one another with a closed adoption. The adoption coordinator you choose to work with selects the family. Once the child is born, the courts seal the original birth certificate, and everyone remains anonymous.

Semi-Open Adoption

With this plan, you select the potential adoptive couple but learn their first names only. You can communicate with one another, but all communication is handled through a third party, such as your adoption coordinator. It allows you to stay in touch with your child but still remain private.

How Do I Begin The Adoption Process?

Your first step is to find a reputable adoption lawyer or agency. We can provide referrals to assist you. In many cases, financial assistance, such as medical and living expenses, is available during your pregnancy.

If you choose an open or semi-open adoption plan, you select the perfect family to raise your child. In Tennessee, the birth mother must wait at least 72 hours after birth before consenting to the adoption. You are free to change your mind at any time up to that point.

Let’s Talk

Contact us to set up an appointment to discuss your pregnancy options and the possibility of making an adoption plan. We want what is best for you.

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