Four Little Words

Did your partner just say, “I think I’m pregnant”? If so, you may be in shock and dealing with all kinds of emotions.

It’s okay. Choices provides unexpected pregnancy support for men too.

Gather The Facts First

Before you begin worrying about what decision she is going to make, does she know if she is really pregnant? That may seem like a strange question, but only 81% of Choices patients who received a free pregnancy confirmation test were positive last year. You both need to get pregnancy confirmation.

Choices offers no-cost pregnancy testing and diagnostic ultrasound exams to confirm pregnancy. Even though home tests are reliable, it’s possible to get a false positive. Get a second opinion by coming to Choices.

Learn About Your Options

When it comes to a pregnancy decision, the choice is ultimately up to her, but you can significantly influence her decision. She wants to know your thoughts but doesn’t want to be pressured or manipulated.

We’re here to help both of you explore your options.

Talk Man-to-Man

If you need safe counsel from another man, set up an appointment at Choices. We have men available to discuss your situation, offer legal and community referrals, and review your options.

If She Chooses To Parent

If your partner decides she wants to parent or co-parent, we provide parenting classes to help both men and women prepare for parenthood. We offer no-cost one-on-one consultations for new parents and group parenting classes.

We also offer rewards for attendance! You earn what we call “Baby Bucks” toward items in our Baby Boutique. The boutique has baby formula, diapers, baby food, clothes, cribs, car seats, and more.

We also have a separate program where you can earn gift cards called Doctor Dad. It is 8 sessions on topics such as labor/delivery and baby care. After completing each session at home, you would meet for 30 minutes with one of our Male Mentors (in-person or virtual). To sign up, click here.

Contact us to learn more about our men’s services. You matter to us, and we want to support you as you navigate this new adventure.

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