You Have Choices

When you have a difficult decision, like what to do about your unexpected pregnancy, it’s nice to know you have options.

You have three options: abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting. Let’s review them thoroughly during your no-cost confidential appointment.

We understand the weight of the decision you’re facing and want to provide you with the information you need to make a confident and empowered choice.


Are you considering abortion for your unexpected pregnancy? If so, make sure you understand the different abortion methods, side effects, and potential risks.

Not only does abortion have physical risks, but there’s also the potential for mental health complications.

We can give you abortion information to help you make a knowledgeable decision.


The process of adoption has changed dramatically over the last several decades. Before, an expectant or birth mother had no idea who adopted her child. Today, most adoptions are open, with the mother choosing the adoptive parents.

You have three different adoption plans to choose from depending on the amount of communication you want with your child and the adoptive family after placement.

Like all of your options, adoption is a hard decision, but we can provide you with the emotional support you need.


Choosing to parent your child may seem like the most difficult option, but with proper training, we know you can be a successful parent. There are many resources available to women who choose to parent their child, plus Choices provides material assistance to help along the way.

With community referrals, our resources, and proper education, you can raise a happy, healthy child.

You Matter To Us

Never underestimate your worth. You are valuable, and you matter to us.

We know this is a difficult time when you may doubt yourself. Choices is a safe place to share your situation, concerns, and fears. We’re here for you.

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