Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Why Talk to us About Abortion?

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering an abortion, it’s important for your health that you understand all your options. Regardless of the different types of abortion you

Preventing Pregnancy

Preventing Pregnancy

Birth control, condoms, Mountain Dew? There are plenty of myths and ways to “not get pregnant” out there but there is nothing that will completely prevent pregnancy. “I won’t get

Ultrasounds Saves Women’s Lives

Why do I need an ultrasound? This is one of the biggest questions we get from our clients. There are two main reasons ultrasounds are completely necessary during pregnancy. Ultrasounds

Am I pregnant?

Are you thinking – am I pregnant? It is impossible to confirm you are pregnant based on symptoms. Some women have morning sickness and headaches, some have mood swings and cramping.

How do I tell my parents I am pregnant?

It is not easy about telling people you are in an unplanned pregnancy, especially your parents. Fear of what they might think or say can cloud your judgment and thought

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