Creating Intimacy That Lasts

When we use the word intimacy or intimate relationship, most of us automatically think of sex. We’ve been culturally conditioned to link the two. Why? Sex is a huge way we connect and bond with a partner. But because it does bond us to another person in a profound way – couples counselors often referring to sex

Together We Can

This is the month of marches, of speaking our minds, and being loud. This is the month of publicly announcing what we believe in and why. Here at Choices, we believe in peaceful protests, marches, and walks. We’re proud of what women have accomplished through raising our voices. Without marches and speeches, Alice Paul might

Pregnancy and Abuse

Morning Sickness

Abusive relationships almost never begin as violent but emotional or mental abuse is still abuse. We want to help you recognize the signs so you or your friends can get out or get the help you need. Early signs of a potentially abusive relationship include… Isolating – wants to always be alone with you, keeps

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