It may not be too late.
Choices OFFERS free Abortion pill reversal.
IT MAY NOT BE TOO LATE IF YOU CALL WITHIN 24-72 HOURS. Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Network at 1-877-558-0333 to request the abortion pill reversal.
Sometimes, when we hear difficult news, we panic and make a quick decision without thinking it through. Or others pressure us into making a decision we don’t want to make. Is that how you chose to have an abortion?
If you’ve taken the first dose of the abortion pill method and regret your decision, it may not be too late to save your pregnancy. There’s a process called Abortion Pill Reversal, but you must act quickly.
The Abortion Pill Method
The abortion pill is also known as a medical or chemical abortion. This method uses two different drugs to terminate a pregnancy.
The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone from being absorbed in the uterus. Without progesterone, a pregnancy cannot survive, and the embryo dies.
The second drug, misoprostol, causes cramping to expel the pregnancy tissue from the uterus.
Abortion Pill Reversal
Since the first drug of the abortion pill method deprives the pregnancy of progesterone, Abortion Pill Reversal restores the hormone to the body. Taking progesterone can reverse the effects of the abortion pill.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, doctors have used progesterone safely with pregnancy or fertility issues for over 50 years.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states, “The reversal of the effects of mifepristone using progesterone is safe and effective.
How Do I Get Abortion Pill Reversal?
To effectively reverse the abortion pill, you must take progesterone as soon as possible – preferably within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill drug. The sooner you begin the reversal process – the greater the chances of success.
Unfortunately, if you have taken the second drug, misoprostol, it may be too late to reverse the abortion.
Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Network at 1-877-558-0333 to request the abortion pill reversal.
The Abortion Pill Rescue Network has seen successful reversals when treatment began as late as 72 hours after taking the first abortion drug, but your greatest chance of success is within 24 hours. So don’t hesitate. Call them now.