Share your story. Live in freedom.
Jordan* was finishing her junior year at her dream school when she found out she was pregnant. She felt she wouldn’t be able to continue her pregnancy and get her degree. She immediately felt relief after her abortion but a year later other feelings began to surface, and she was desperate for someone to talk to.
Isabella* was just 16 and was told she didn’t have a choice. She carried that weight for several years before learning about a place that offered her love, compassion, and a shoulder to cry on.
Barbara* had an abortion 30 years ago and never spoke a word about it to anyone. She lived in shame until she heard a friend share her own story and decided to find freedom for herself. Barb loved talking with her counselor and eventually felt empowered to share her story openly, letting go of the shame and guilt she had carried with her for so long.
Kadisha* was working two jobs just to survive as a single mom. She loved the idea of her little girl having a sibling but felt she couldn’t afford to take care of them both. Later she said shared how much she wished she had waited to make a decision. She called to talk to someone the very next week.
Every story is different because every woman and situation is different. However, one thing is constant. Women who bravely share their story with us all feel loved and supported.
If you need to share your abortion experience with people who care, people who have been there and can offer hope, healing, and freedom – we’re here for you.
All calls, messages, and appointments are completely confidential. Our direct line for after abortion support is 423.415.4788.
*Names changed for confidentiality