Thinking about taking the abortion pill? It’s so critical to learn all you can on your own because there’s a lot the abortion clinic won’t tell you. 

Read on to learn the facts about the abortion pill—or contact our office to find a safe space to talk and ask questions. You aren’t alone as you navigate all this; we’re here for you.

Fact 1: Abortion Drugs Are Powerful

Abortion drugs aren’t as simple as taking Tylenol. Quite the contrary: abortion drugs are powerful and interfere with your body’s natural processes. 

The first drug, mifepristone, blocks progesterone, which is an essential hormone during pregnancy. Without progesterone, your uterine lining will thin, causing your pregnancy to detach and end.

The second drug, misoprostol, causes uterine contractions that will expel your pregnancy out through your vagina. You will feel abdominal cramping and experience vaginal bleeding if the drugs are working.

Fact 2: The Pain Can Be “Out of This World”

Most abortion providers will tell you that after taking the abortion drugs, you might feel pain that’s similar to a period—but this simply isn’t true!

While every woman experiences pain differently, many women have come forward to talk about how the pain they experienced after taking the abortion drugs was unexpectedly severe and “out of this world”—which led to anxiety due to an inability to cope with the pain.

Fact 3: You Might See the Embryo or Fetus

Abortion providers often instruct women simply to “not look in the toilet” or in their sanitary pads but don’t explain why. 

The reason why is that the embryo or fetus will pass out through your vagina after the completion of the abortion process, and many women are disturbed to see their pregnancy pass. Depending on the embryo’s gestational age, you will likely see what appears to be a formed baby (which goes against the narrative that you’re simply passing a “clump of cells”). 

We’re Here to Give You the Facts

The abortion industry makes money off your abortion decision, so it’s difficult to trust the information they provide. 

However, at Choices, we never profit from your pregnancy decision. In fact, we offer all services, support, and resources free of charge—because we believe you deserve access to medically accurate information and compassionate care without financial barriers.

Before making a pregnancy decision, come to our office to learn the facts about all your options. You’re not alone in this, and you deserve to know the truth. We’re here for you, and our appointments are free and confidential.

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